KAT Celebrates 35th Anniversary

KAT 35th sealThe Korean Academy of Taekwondo celebrated its 35th Anniversary with a class by Grandmaster Ghassan Timani10997718_10153070226859976_4329416198303769887_o and the 2nd annual paddleball championships. It was great to hear some stories of the ‘good old days’ and we even turned off the heat for the class. Thanks to everyone who has been a part of our school all the years. You can see more details about the event at Colorado Martial Arts News. 






Thanks to everyone who has made it a great 35 years!

Posted by Korean Academy of Taekwondo on Saturday, February 21, 2015

Welcome to our new site!

KAT wallpaper 1The KAT website is one of the most visited martial arts school pages on the whole internet. However, it was time for an update to a modern content management system like wordpress! We hope you like the site – feel free to look around and let us know if there are any questions!

KAT 30th Anniversary – 2010

KAT 30th Anniversary – 2010

Oldest Taekwondo school coloradoIn 2010 (the Chinese Year of the Tiger, no less) KAT celebrated our 30th anniversary of providing service to the Aurora, CO community. During this time we have been teaching martial arts classes for children and adults, teaching self defense to families, building leaders in the community, and doing what we can to make the world a better place.

We made the celebration last all year, including issuing special merchandise and logos.

30 years is a significant milestone for any small business, and we would like to thank the people of Aurora for making this possible. Without the support of the thousands of students who have trained with us over the years, we never could have made it.

KAT students can also find out more about the rich history of our school.

KAT 25th Anniversary – 2005

KAT 25th Anniversary – 2005

Feb 12th 2005 KAT celebrated 25 years of Martial Arts excellence with a School Olympics.

Many records were set by students – some of which still stand, while others were challenged and broken in later years.

The Korean Academy of Taekwondo (KAT) celebrated its 25th year of service to Aurora on February 12, 2005. The KAT was founded in February of 1980 by Grandmaster J.K. Chung. Grandmaster Chung is one of the world’s foremost martial artists. He served as a US national team coach and led the US to a near sweep in the 1987 Pan Am Games, winning 7 of 8 gold medals. He left the US to serve as head of security for the President of South Korea.

The school has led a storied existence with many state, national, and international champions at the junior and senior levels. We have been very active in the community, with our members donating tens of thousands of hours of community service. Developing future leaders has always been a priority of the school. Over the years we have trained thousands of students to be positive role models in the community. Our students have reached many areas of academic and professional success, including serving as police officers, professional athletes, business leaders, teachers, and doctors.

Reaching its 25th anniversary is a milestone for any small business, and the KAT would like to express its deepest gratitude to the people of Aurora for their support. We could have never reached this point without the help of countless students, parents, and friends. The school continues to get stronger and looks forward to the next quarter-century of providing the benefits of martial arts to the city of Aurora.

About KAT School Olympics:

Since our School’s 25th Anniversary party – the KAT School Olympics has been a fun way to challenge our students. Hanging at the entrance of our Dojang is the KAT School Records Board where all of the current records are displayed.

There are many different types of records for children and adults alike to challenge themselves to break. Each record has different record holder areas for men, women, boys, girls and children under 5.

A few examples of the record challenges are: Highest kick, longest jump kick, longest crane stance, longest handstand, longest wall sit, most kicks in 10 sec, 30 sec, 1 min and 1 hour. We also have some non-physical School Records such as the most hours trained in a month and the most classes attended in a week.