Here is the in depth and official KAT School History. For videos and pictures, see the KAT Facebook Timeline Page. You can also see details of many of the below events on Colorado Martial Arts News. You can also jump to the overview or the newsletter archive. This page is updated every December.
November 2021: Curtis Redmond and Finn earn their 1st Dan black belts.
Summer 2021: Jessica Bailey earns 3rd in Poomsae in US Nationals. Master Kamil’s students earn several medals. Master Bill officiates the wedding of Master Harrison and Thao.
May 2021: Master Kamil hosts the Lone Wolf Classic, one of the first inside/outside tournaments and one of the first major Colorado tournaments since the pandemic started.
May 2021: Ellie Bowman earns her 2nd Dan and Diego earns his first Dan in the spring black belt test.
February 2021: Master Chris Ballard takes over the Aurora location.
November 2020: In the fall black belt test, Kristabelle Dutton earned her 3rd Dan, while Kenna and Ella Nichelson earned 1st Dans.
May 2020: In the spring black belt test, KAT had several high ranking students earn new belts. Congrats to Master RJ and Master Ron Roe (6th Dan), Paul LeHardy, Julie Mancuso, and Zee Nwuke (3rd Dan), Isaac Hoffer (2nd Dan) and Amanda Kingsley, Harper and Jim Forestieri (1st Dan).
2020: Coronavirus was rough for KAT this year like every other school. We held classes in the park, on zoom, and in the dojang when possible.
Jan 2020: KAT hosted our annual Kigami Biraki which featured many students from May-TEC, Monument Jiujitsu, and various KAT Programs.
November 2019: Master Kamil hosts the fall CO elementary league championships.
October 2019: KAT hosts the Soaring Heights Classic to start a new fall series of tournaments. KAT offers yoga classes through Ins. Sarah Gehrke.
Sept 2019: Sir Salonis and Zee Nwuke (seniors) and Ellie Bowman (juniors) compete in the first USAT Grand Slam.
Aug 2019: Master Jacob takes over ownership of the Aurora dojang. Master Matt is ranked in the top 30 of all coaches in the USA for points/black belt.
Summer 2019: Students compete in USAT and AAU National championships. Sir Salonis wins bronze in black belt welterweight. Jessica Bailey wins bronze in 6-7 year old yellow belts division. Imran Shamanov wins silver, and Kemal Sardar and Laila Latipova win bronze in AAU. KAT hosts ninja camp and the original tenents camp. KAT hosts a record (and cold) mountain training on Mt. Evans. Master Katie wins Women’s grand champion in the US Open Hanmadang Archery/Knife throwing.
May 2019: Master Bill goes to England to coach Olympian Farkhod Negmatov in the 2019 WT World Championships. In the spring black belt test, Billy Garduno and Donna Smith earn 3rd dans, Avery Stelzriede, Marilyn Minjarez-Guzman and Jared Dutton earn 2nd dans, and Alina Navarrette and Anaiah Yirdaw earn 1st dans.
April 2019: KAT hosts the Twin Dragons Tournament, with a record of 375 competitors.
Feb/Mar 2019: Competition team students earn many medals in the Colorado USAT, Colorado AAU, and Kansas USAT tournaments. Professor Michel Pereira comes to KAT to give a BJJ seminar. Master Bill is promoted to BJJ Blue Belt. Peter Hwang from the TKD Coop in Korea visits KAT.
Jan 2019: The annual Kigami Biraki draws a big crowd from Monument and KAT with many great matches. celebrates its 10th anniversary. KAT hosts a sparring seminar with Olympian Alisher Gulov.
December 2018: KAT earns the top spot of all martial arts schools in Aurora according to
November 2018: KAT starts our BJJ program under Tom Lynn and Michel Pereira from Ghost Squad BJJ. In the fall black belt test, Bethany and Janet Dorny and Taylor K earn first dans, Shayna Reibman, Mark Morehead, and Kristabelle D earn 2nd dans, and Lao Xiong, Isaac Smith, and Joseph Von Hulongbayan earn third dans. Shayna and Taylor are captains. It is the first black belt test to use 2020 armor for protection sparring training. Sir Salonis wins an MMA fight, and MDM Taekwondo wins first at the Fall Elem League championships.
October 2018: The first ever RMMAF banquet raises almost $6000. See the pictures and the 2018 Tenant Award winners.
September 2018: KAT gets 2020 Armor. After 5 years of summer camp, the SwordQuest movie premieres in the theater.
July 2018: KAT students win many medals in the US Open Hanmadang, and Isaac Smith wins a scholarship. KAT holds waterfall training. KAT wins our most sparring medals ever at the 2018 US National Championships. Sir Salonis and Farhang M become USAT All Americans. See the full article.
June 2018: Josh Kosloski wins the 2018 Michael Pottle Memorial Scholarship.
May 2018: Former KAT students Gabriel and Daisy stand by Governor Hickenlooper as he signs the bill to create a childhood cancer awareness license plate for Colorado. In the spring black belt test, Shannon Clousing, John John Tomas, Chad Anderson, and Harrison Archer all promote to 4th Dan. Sue Roche, Katie Hunter, Julie Mancuso, Paul Le Hardy, Zee Nwuke, and Brady Clousing promote to 2nd Dan. Jared Dutton, Andrew Bilyeu, Nyjah Munn, Marc Moeker, Susan Huter, Nihal Yilmaz, Hilal Yilmaz, Leo Guzman, Aidan Morehead, Marilyn Minjarez-Guzman, and Kyra James all promote to 1st Dan.
April 2018: KAT wins 3rd Overall in USAT State championships with over 20 gold medals. KAT releases the 4th edition of the handbook, split into both the Color Belts and Black Belts versions. The 2018 White Tiger Championships sets a record with 375 competitors, and is held at Rangeview High School. A team from Iraq comes to train and compete at the event.
March 2018: Students do well in AAU State, and receive coverage in the main Tajikistan newspaper.
Jan 2018: KAT hosts the annual Kagami Biraki with 100 rounds of sparring. KAT’s website is named the #14th best Taekwondo page in the world.
December 2017: KAT becomes the world’s first martial arts school to secure their black belt records on the Ethereum blockchain.
November 2017: KAT/Storm grappling team attends Fight 2 Win BJJ Nationals and earns several medals. In the black belt test, Master Bill promoted to 7th Dan, Master Bethany and Master Steven promoted to 5th dan, Master Joseph Lopez and Master Sam Douglas promoted to 4th Dan, Chad Anderson and Byron Kish promoted to 2nd Dan, and Kristabelle D, Shayna Reibman and Mark Morehead promoted to 1st Dan.
September 2017: KAT Hosts the Ninja Mile. Winners are Adara Pottle, Levi S, Sheila D, Sam D, Rylan G and Kyra Pottle.
July 2017: KAT Uganda student Royson Okwera competes in the World Championships in Korea. We finish the ProphecyQuest movie and also do mountain training at a waterfall.
June 2017: In the historic kukkiwon black belts test Grandmaster Ghassan Timani, Grandmaster Andre DeOlivera and Grandmaster Han Cho (Master Bill’s Instructor from Cornell) promoted to 8th Dan. Master Steven Noi promoted to 5th Dan and Master Jacob Gallegos promoted to 4th Dan kukkiwon. In addition Master Bill, Master Ahmed B, Master Jessie Kim, Master Katie, Master Zak, and Master Ron Roe attended the Instructors Course.
Other KAT students and Masters helped at the US Open Hanmadang. See the full weekend writeup.
May 2017: In the Spring Black Belt Test Donna Smith, Maya Braunstein, and Josiah Dunkin promoted to 2nd Dan. Paul Le Hardy, Thomas Faverty, Emily Winner, Avery Stelzreide, Candice Wells, Claudia Friedrich and Cameron Hostetler promoted to 1st Dan. Lydia McCoullough promoted to 3rd Dan.
April 2017: KAT hosts the Lone Wolf Classic, where it once again snows. The odds are calculated as 1 in 500. See Full Tournament Results and Writeup. The event also received coverage in Tajikistan’s major newspaper.
March 2017: KAT performs at the Denver Nuggets vs Cleveland Cavs game. At the state championships, Farhang M, Fischer A, and Cole B win spots on the CO State Sparring Team.
Feb 2017: Grace K wins silver at the US Open. KAT Celebrates its 37th birthday.
Jan 2017: KAT is chosen as one of the top martial arts schools by KAT also hosts the first ever emergency preparedness seminar. Long time supporter Big Ed “OT” Bergin (75) passes away due to cancer.
November 2016: KAT hosts the first Silver Tigers Seminar to implement our special program for 40+ year old students.
The fall black belt test is one of our largest on record. Master Kyle Landon becomes Master Bill’s first student to go from white belt to 4th dan. (
September 2016: KAT hosted the 3rd annual Ninja Mile. Winners included Jack Pottle, Bristol Stelzreide, Lori Braunstein, Rylan Griggs/Michael Burch. Mahayla Griggs won best dressed.
Grace K and Josh K earn spots on the AAU National Team.
August 2016: The Demo Team performs at Elitch Gardens. Sir Salonis wins bronze in the Costa Rica Open as well as the WTF ranking points that come with it.
Summer 2016: KAT hosts Focus Camp, Ninja Camp, and ProphecyQuest Movie Camp (Part 1). Grace K dominates USAT and AAU Nationals, winning 8 matches, 7 of which are stopped early. Josh K wins silver in USAT Nationals, while Fischer A makes the quarterfinals and team trials. Katie Hunter wins Bronze in Red Belt Forms. Lexi Brown wins the Michael Pottle Memorial Scholarship.
KAT hosts the first ever ‘Black Belts Camping Trip.’ KAT performs 3 times at the dragon boat festival.
May 2016: Our spring black belt class features several notable promotions. See the full details at:
April 2016: KAT somehow continues our streak of scheduling snowstorms with the 2016 Twin Dragons Tournament. Despite the weather, 300+ competitors have a great time. See full results. Shin’s Academy wins the new snowman contest. Metro students attend Collegiate Nationals hosted by CU Boulder.
March 2016: KAT wins 2nd overall in the 2016 CO State Championships.
February 2016: Master Ahmed Ahaad from Uganda comes to train at KAT for 2 months. He brings his students Royson Okwera and Oswaldo Ochira. Grace Kosloski wins gold in the cadet division of the US Open. KAT holds a ‘Broncos Class’ where Kihaps are replaced with ‘Omaha’ as the Broncos win the superbowl.
November 2015: KAT hosts the Fall Elementary School Championships where the Montessori Del Mundo Team wins first place.
In the fall Black Belt Class, Christian Jeffries (Captain), Andrew Lopez, Eryana Baldwin, Emad Ismael, Donna Smith, Isaac Smith, Maya Braunstein, Tony Rodriguez, Jacob Younger and Josiah Dunkin all earn 1st dans. Tatiana Baldwin earns 2nd, while Christina Seriale (Captain) and Scott Granger earn 3rd Dans.
October 2015: KAT competes in the Mile High Open Tournament.
September 2015 – KAT hosts a special seminar from Sifu Kisu Star of Kung Fu Panda and Avatar. Sir Salonis competes at the Trinidad and Tobago Open as part of the Daedo USA Team. 2nd Annual Ninja Mile is a big success. Camilla, Rylan, Shayna Reibman, Curtis Pottle, Mahalya, and Max won the six divisions and stipends.
KAT begins the All Black Belt Classes.
Summer 2015 – KAT wins 11 medals at the USAT National Taekwondo Championships in sparring while at the AAU National Championships Grace K wins Silver. In the Pan Am Youth Championships, Grace K wins Silver and Josh K wins gold.
Master Ghassan visits Grandmaster Chung in Korea and earns his 8th degree black belt.
The 11th Annual Mountain training is held at Mt. Bierstadt.
KAT performs demonstrations at Overland High School, the Western Welcome Week Parade, Kidspree, and 5 times at the Dragon Boat Festival.
KAT hosts 3 Summer Camps including finishing the DreamQuest Movie.
May 2015: KAT performs with the USAF Thunderbirds in the Aurora Airshow. Sir Salonis, Josh Kosloski, and Grace Kosloski also earn spots on the CO State Team.
KAT hosts our largest black belt test to date. 1st Dans include: MaryKate Berg, Ivy Yang, Lao Xiong, Cailynn Reed, Camilla De La Oliva, Brady Clousing, Jonathan Reed, Addie Burson, JC Bell, Cathy Burson, CJ Calingo, Erin Burson, Leena Alsalem, Antoine Martin, Joey Stockton, and Jack Burson. 2nd Dans were Max Minnig, Isabella Walsh, Lydia McCullough, Max Rozmiarek. 3rd Dans were Lexi Brown, Harrison Archer, Shannon Clousing, and John John Tomas. Master LaRon Younger earned 4th Dan while Master RJ Tomas and Master Ron Roe each earned their 5th Dans. Cathy Burson, LaRon Younger, and RJ Tomas were captains of the class.
March 2015: KAT hosts the 2015 White Tiger Championships at Metro State University and Sir Salonis hosts the 2nd Annual CO Martial Arts Awards at William Smith High School.
KAT wins first place in the Colorado State Taekwondo Championships again. Here are the notes from Master Bill
HOTD1: Laron Younger – Laron sparred some of the best matches I’ve ever seen today, and that’s saying something since I’ve known him for over 20 years. He showed timing, distance, speed, control and poise that you just don’t find in a heavyweight. Besides winning breaking and sparring, he also brought a strong contingent from LaKai Taekwondo- KAT Littleton that was instrumental in our overall placing. It’s inspirational for me to see how he actually gets better with age.
HOTD2: Sir Salonis – Sir is finally sparring in a way that shows he is well on the way to reaching his true potential. He’s acrobatic, powerful, and repeating as CO State team member. Sir also developed a great team from WSHS and yet still managed to find time to coach and ref.
HOTD3: Jibreal Jones – Jibreal won his first black belt division with a close match against a great opponent. He looks like a sparrer who is ready to break into the next level.
Special thanks to Master Kenny Yoo,and his great students, Jacob Gallegos, and to Master Kamil. Thanks to Zee Nwuke and Harrison Archer for referring all day.
My favorite memory from today was when Thul-kifl Micheal and I were talking about how hard it is to raise 3 kids and Behram Mohmand and his wife looked at us the same way black belts look at white belts when they said they had a hard class….
Feb 2015: KAT celebrates its 35th Anniversary. We also bring over 250 people to perform at the Denver Nuggets game, although the game is nearly snowed out.
Jan 2015: Taekwondo: A Practical Guide to the World’s Most Popular Martial Art becomes the #1 best selling children’s martial arts ebook on Amazon. At the US Open, Ins Laron earns silver after winning his semi-final match with a one kick KO, Sir Salonis loses to Steven Lopez, and Josh Kosloski wins gold in the 15-17 division.
December 2014: KAT chooses the first ever sponsored team. Team members include Zak Kirk, Taylor Atlman, and JT Axelrod (Forms) and Grace andJosh Kosloski, Sir Salonis, Laron Younger, Jaire Fortt, Daler Latipov, CJ Calingo, and Max Rozmiarek (Sparring). Paloma Gonzalez is elected manager. Josh K wins gold at the Pan Am Open, and Grace K wins silver.
November 2014: The Fall Black Belt Class is the largest in KAT history. Ahmed Alsubaihawi, Sam Douglass, and Laron Younger earn their third degree black belts. Anthony Hicks and Talyor Altman earn their second degree black belts. Le Roy Younger, Joseph Von Hulongbayan, Braulio and Franco De La Oliva, Tomas Ortiz, David Berg, Paloma Gonzalez, Sir Salonis, and Sam and JT Axelrod earn their first degree black belts. Andrew Myers and Joseph Henderson earn their first degree black belts and are elected captains of the test class. This is a milestone test for many programs, as it brings the first black belts from Quest and High Point Academy to start in those programs, as well as the first 2nd dans from GVA. Metro State wins first, CU Denver wins forth, and CCA wins fifth in the Rocky Mountain Collegiate Championships.
Fall 2014: KAT opens up new afterschool programs under various individual instructors. These include William Smith High School (Sir Salonis), Ponderosa Elementary School (Paloma Gonzalez) GVA Ft Collins (Scott Granger) and Aurora Frontier and Lotus School for Excellence (Master Kamil).
September 2014: Sir Salonis wins the Daedo National Championships and earns a spot on this team for 2015. Josh earns another spot on the AAU Cadet National Team.
August 2014: KAT Participates in the Master Kunkel Fight For Life Classic. KAT also hosts the first ever Ninja Mile, where Congressman Mike Coffman attends and breaks a board.
Summer 2014: KAT hosts three camps where we make a comic book, film the first part of the DreamQuest movie, and make the Legends of KAT video game. We climb Gray’s Peak for mountain training. Josh K defeats Russia by superiority, becoming the first American ever to win the World Cadet Championships. Josh K is on the cover of Totally TKD Magazine. Josh K is the featured athlete of USA Taekwondo. Jibreal J wins bronze and Adam M wins silver in sparring in the 2014 USAT National Championships. Natalie G wins gold in the grassroots black belt sparring as well. Ins Laron Younger wins gold in breaking and bronze in sparring.
May 2014: In the Spring 2014 Black Belt Class, Joseph Lopez, Chris Webster, and Feven Yohannes earn their third degree black belts. Devin Boltonearns his second degree black belt, while Mark and Eric L, Shay Wedderburn, and Jenny Kim all earn their first degree black belts.
April 2014: Sir Salonis (Comeback of the Year), Ahmed Alsubaihawi (Kick of the Year), Master RJ Tomas (Break of the Year) earn awards in the first ever Colorado Martial Arts Awards. Paloma Gonzalez wins silver in the black belt sparring division of the NCTA Collegiate National Championships. Metro State fends off a strong challenge from CSU to continue its unbeaten streak in the Rocky Mountain Collegiate TKD League. KAT hosts first ever blaster pad championships.
March 2014: In the 2014 CO State Championships KAT wins 26 G, 1S, 3B out of 30 divisions entered. KAT wins the ‘School of the Year’ Award for the 4th time in 5 years. KAT hosts the Lone Wolf Classic (results) where 365 competitors vie for top honors and to complete their full medals. CVA and Quest both earn first in the Elementary School Championships.
Feb 2014: KAT Uganda opens up under Ins Ahmed B. They become a Taekwondo force in East Africa. Josh K wins silver in US Open, losing by superiority in overtime to Russia. An epic rivalry is born.
Jan 2014: Taekwondo Times calls our audiobook “a must have for serious martial arts practioners.” KAT hosts the first ‘Paddleball World Cup’. Master Bill’s team (Tajikistan) wins the adult division via last minute heroics from Ins. Kyle Landon. Joshua Kosloski earns a spot on the US Cadet team, and the right to represent our country in the fist World Cadet Championships in Baku, Az.
December 2013: In the fall black belt test, Mtich Harris earned his karate 1st dan, while Master Kamil earned his 5th Dan, Kyle Landon and Josh Kosloski earned their third dans, Grace Kosloski, Dr. Rafael Moreno, John John Tomas and Daler Latipov all earned second dans, and Zee Nwuke andIsabella Walsh earned first dans.
November 2013: In the Fall Elementary School Championships, CVA took first place. The University of Northern Colorado hosted the 2013 Fall Collegiate championships, where Metro State earned first place and Community College of Aurora won 5th place. KAT’s audiobook, becomes the first martial arts instructional audiobook on Amazon/Audible. KAT Competed at theColorado Cup Taekwondo Championships, where we won the top black belt divisions in Breaking (Master RJ) and Boy’s Forms (Anthony) and Girl’s Forms (Taylor) Instructor Ahmed Alsubaihawi returned to Iraq to compete in an Iraqi professional Taekwondo league. CKTKD begins teaching at Merrill Middle School.
October 2013: KAT gains the ability to teach CPR and First Aid seminars through Instructor LaRon Younger. KAT also wins the “Aurora Macaroni Kid” Family Choice award for best martial arts school.
September 2013: KAT releases and donates 100% of the first month’s profits to fight childhood cancer. The book debuts at number 1 on Amazon for martial arts ebooks. Josh K also repeated on the AAU Cadet National Team.
August 2013: KAT performs in the Western Welcome Week Parade in Littleton and also competes in the Colorado State Team Trials on the same day. We placed 10 out of 11 people on the state team, most by point gaps. State Team members included Artur A, Grace K, Josh K, Sir S, Ahmed A, Isabella C, and CJ C while poomsae team members included Taylor A, Anthony H, and Ahish B. KAT once again placed the most members on the Colorado State Teamof any school. KAT also held Comic Book Camp and released our first comic book, Super Tiger Force!. KAT also hosts our first Focus Camp, where students use technology to improve focus. This included such things as flying a helicopter with their minds.
July 2013: Three athletes competed in the 2013 World Taekwondo Championships in Puebla, Mexico. Ahmed Alsubaihawi (Iraq), Alisher Gulov (Tajikistan) and Khusrav Giyosov (Tajikistan) all represented their countried with honor and skill. Master Bill and Master Kamil went as coaches and Sarah A went as a reporter from Colorado Martial Arts News. Dulce Ramos and Karen served as excellent attaches from the organizing comittee. In a special moment, both Master Kamil and Ins Ahmed got to be flag bearers for their countries in the opening ceremonies which was seen by millions of people around the world. KAT also rocked a demo at the Dragon Boat Festival, hosted a successful Mountain Training and made Ninja Kids 2: The Wrath of Kumori (2013) (Part 1) (Part 2) (Bloopers)
In the 2013 US National Champsionships, KAT earned 6 medals from just 7 athletes. Anthony H won gold in boy’s red belt forms, while Taylor A won bronze in girl’s red belt forms and Josiah D won bronze in boy’s yellow belt forms. In sparring, Josh, CJ, and Alondra all took silver medals.
May 2013: Instructor Jacob dominates again, defending his title and improving to 3-0. In the black belt test, Zak Kirk earned his 4th dan while Mitch Wisner earned third. Laron Younger, Harrison Archer, and Lexi Brown earned 2nd dans. Heidi Wedderburn, Sue Roche, Bambi Maddox, Max Minnig, Lydia McCullough, Kristin Tite, Melissa Sipes, Cinnamon Claussen, Ahthony Hicks, Tadan Rose, Fishion Yohannes, Taylor Altman and Nina Kentwortz all earned first dan honors.
April 2013: Metro State competes in the 2013 Collegiate National Championships. The result also gives metro the 2012-2013 RMCTL Title.
March 2013: KAT hosts the Twin Dragons Tournament (Results) with a record 325 competitors. KAT also sends people to the 2013 Colorado State Championships (Results). Due to the close timing between both events, KAT wins third overall at state. Global Village Academy wins the Colorado Elementary School League.
Feb 2013: Josh and Grace K both win gold at both US Open and Canadian Open. Ins LaRon Yonger also wins silver in the 31-40 heavyweight division, defeating Norway along the way. In the adult division, Ahmed A and Khusrav G face each other in the first round (1 in 94 odds). (See day 1 results) (See senior division results)
Jan 2013: KAT is blessed to have two Olympians come to train with us for 2013, Alisher Gulov and Farkhod Negmatov. In the Pikes Peak Daedo Challenge, the two Olympians plus Ahmed A win three out of the 4 prizes for the men’s black belt division. KAT also releases the 2013 Women of KAT Calendar which raises $500 for Children’s Hospital. Littleton KAT comes under the direction of Laron Younger and Kyle Landon. They expand the program to Vanguard Classical School.
November 2012: KAT hosts the Fall Elementary School Championships. GVA takes first place followed by CVA. Metro State TKD competes at the Collegiate League Championships, and wins first place. In the fall black belt test, Lauren Aunkst and Ahmed Alsubaihawi earn their second degree black belts. An and Harry Truong, Tatiana Coleman, Alex Cimini and Laron Younger earn their first degree black belts. KAT offers a free self defense seminar with a police officer to the community. Students perform a demonstration at the Aurora History Museum. The elementary school league hosts its fall tournament. CU Boulder hosts the Fall Rocky Mountain Collegiate Taekwondo Championships, where Auraria Campus Taekwondo once again earns first place.
October 2012: KAT attends the Champion Taekwondo Academy Tournament where Kyra Pottle breaks boards after a judge offers her candy. Many students win medals and KAT wins the 2nd place trophy for most competitors. Instructor Jacob G wins an amateaur kickboxing title.
September 2012: Josh K earns a spot on the AAU National Team for the 12-13 year old division. KAT enters the Colorado Cup Tournament, with many medals. Josh, Grace, and Ahmed win $100 sponsorships for being the best sparrers. Katie receives one as a referee as well. KAT wins the “Best School Award.” KAT hosts another demo camp.
August 2012: In the Colorado State Team Trials, KAT wins all attempted spots. Ahmed A, Josh and Grace K, and Daniel L win spots for sparring. Dale Zamora wins a spot for forms. KAT performs a demonstration to benefit the victims of the Aurora Movie Theater Shooting. KAT also performs in parades for Western Welcome Week (Littleton) and the Corn Roast Festival (Loveland). KAT begins our program at Omar D. Blair school.
July 2012: At USAT nationals Anthony H got Gold in forms, LaRon Younger won Silver in breaking and Scott Granger won BRONZE. In sparring Grace K won Gold, and Scott and Laron won Bronze. Alondra G who Gold in sparring. In AAU Nationals both Josh and Grace won gold in sparring. KAT does mountain training on Gray’s Peak. KAT also hosts its second movie camp and produces Ninja Kids. The movie is followed by a red carpet premiere. In the U.S. Open Hanmadang, Shannon Clousing wins gold in forms. KAT performs a demonstration at the Dragon Boat Festival.
June 2012: The KAT Scholarship is renamed the Michael Pottle Memorial Scholarship and won by Devin Benson. KAT performs another demonstration at Sports Authority Field at Mile High. Toko gets into a fight with the Outlaws mascot Sticks. KAT also hosts its first Ninja Camp. The Colorado Elementarty School League is formed. See the results from the first season.
May 2012: Ahmed A went to compete in a mid east Taekwondo league where he defeated both Iraq and Iran. KAT students attended the USTC tournament and ESA tournament on the same day, ourscoring our opponents by over 100 points.
April 2011: ACT Students attend the Collegiate National Championships at MIT in Boston. Emad Ismael wins gold in sparring, Jenny Kim wins silver, and Jeremy Johannes wins Bronze. In the black belt test, Master Bethany Lopez and RJ Tomas earn their 4th degree. Joseph Lopez and Chris Webster earn their second degree.Ethan A earns his first degree. Jeremy Johannes, Brittany Clousing, Scott Erickson, Devin Benson, Melinda Cruz, and Harrison Archer earn their first degrees. The KAT Tournament Comittee is formed to help future events run more smoothly.
KAT also hosts the White Tiger Championship, which features many innovations, including magnetic connecting medals. With 310 competitors, it is our biggest tournament ever and the largest olympic style even in Colorado in 2012.
March 2012: In the state championships, KAT once again wins School of the Year. The demo team wins the short demo competition. In the first Rocky Mountain Collegiate Championships, Metro wins first, CU Boulder second, CSU third, and UNC forth. Josh K wins the Chanel 9 Top Olympic Sports Moment of 2011 in a red carpet awards show.
Feb 2012: KAT students compete in the US Open. Josh K wins the silver medal, losing only to sweeden. Ahmed A loses to Brazil in the quarterfinals. Ahmed B comes to visit us from Uganda and help out in the school.
Jan 2012: KAT hosts the first Sport Poomsae Extravaganza. KAT also releases the official smartphone ap. KAT releases the “Men of KAT Calendar” which raises $500 for Children’s Hospital. Master Bill and Instructor Katie publish The Way of the Dojo: Owning and Operating your own Martial Arts School. KAT releases the new Introductory Video.
Winter 2011-2012: Master RJ beats out 30,000+ people to be on the hit Filipino show Pinoy Big Brother. He ends up making it to the top 14 in the show. He earns a measure of fame on the islands and this jumpstarts his career.
November 2011: KAT hosts the fall black belt test. Master Bill earns his 6th degree black belt, Master Ron Roe earns his 4th degree, Brenna S earns her 2nd degree, John John Tomas earns his first degree, John Macaluso earns his first degree, Ben Schlimm earns his first degree (while doing a tebowing flying side kick), Iman D earns her first degree, Kyle L earns his 2nd degree, Lexi Brown earns her first degree, Marcus Risley earns his first degree, and Rachel W earns her first degree. Christian V earns his first degree.
October 2011: Master Emelio restarts the KAT Iraq program, this time in Kirkuk. KAT students attend the Pan Am Open. Josh K wins silver and Paloma G wins gold. KAT hosts the Lone Wolf Classic with a large increase in competitors from the previous year.
September 2011: KAT hosts the first glow nunchucks seminar with custom made nunchucks.
August 2011: The KAT Competition team gets sponsorship from Poweraide. KAT begins the Tiger Cubs class, becoming one of the first schools to offer martial arts training for 2-3 year olds.
Summer 2011: KAT invents Grappleball.
July 2011: KAT students attend the US National TKD Championships. Paloma G and Chris H win silver in sparring, Rachel W, Kris K, Arianna B, and Grace K win bronze. Brendan K and Josh K win gold. Brendan K wins gold in breaking and forms as well. KAT does mountain training on Mt. Evans. KAT also makes its first movie during summer camp – Forever Faithful: The Story of Admiral Yi. KAT instructors attend the MAIA supershow. Instructor Mitch Wisner wins a wavemaster for doing the fastest 100 double kicks.
June 2011: KAT black belt Adam Edwards is featured in Black Belt Magazine.
May 2011: KAT hosts the first ever Demo Camp in the Littleton school. KAT also awards the first college scholarship to Instructor Christina Seraile. KAT attends the Eagle Spirit Academy Attitude for Gold tournament. KAT Loveland does a demonstration for the opening of the blockbuster Kung Fu Panda 2movie.
April 2011: In the black belt test Scott Granger, Rafael Moreno, Kyle Landon, John Macaluso, Tara and Jasmine Mehbrot, Colton Leturgez, Devin B and more pass the black belt test.
March 2011: KAT once again wins the Colorado State TKD Association “School of the Year”. 23 students win gold in sparring, 6 win silver, and 1 wins bronze. In forms, KAT wins 7 of the 9 spots on the CO State Team with Instructors Shannon Clousing and Mitch Wisner, and Lisa Manifold, Sue Roche, and Ins Shannon for the 3 person team.
February 2011: KAT sends 4 athletes to the US Open. Josh K and Ahmed A win their first matches but lose to the gold medalists in their divisions. Sarah M and Brittney H from Loveland spar well in their first major tournament. Master Bill is inducted as a comissioner in the USAT- Martial Arts Comission.
January 2011: The 3rd Edition of the KAT handbook becomes available with new videos for all techniques. KAT hosts the first ever Demo Camp in Littleton.
December 2010: KAT hosts the 120th promotion test. Nathan Allison earns his first degree black belt. KAT performs a holiday themed demo for the Aurora Mall. The first KAT yearbook is published.
October 2010: Iman D wins the “Kick of the Month” contest from USAT. KAT sends students to the World TKD College Tournament. KAT color belts and Josh win every black belt division. Grace K wins the 6-7 Black belt division, Marcus R the 8-9 Black belt division, Josh K the 10-11 black belt division, and Mustafa wins the teenage black belt division. KAT also attends the Choi brothers tournament. Terry R wins the black belt and grand champion breaking divisions and Alyssa R and Jasmine R nearly win advanced sparring divisions despite being beginners.
September 2010: KAT Loveland hosts the Lone Wolf Classic, bringing about 100 competitors to Loveland. Shannon Clousing (Adult Black Belt) and Victor Lee (Jr. Color Belt) win grand champion honors. KAT also expands into digital media with Kick Me Photography. KAT also recieves the 2010 ‘School of the Year’ award from COSTA for earning the most medals in state and national championships in 2010. Students also compete in the Rocky Mountain Open. Josh K wins gold in sparring, Ahmed A wins bronze. Amy K and Brittney win gold in forms, Cory wins silver in breaking. KAT hosts the 119th promotion test. Feven Y, Chris W, Joseph L, and Brenna S earn their first degree black belts.
August 2010: Tyler K, Komil L, Sarah M, Joe L, Bethany L, and June L all win spots on the CO State team, the most of any school. Iman D and Moriah G almost win another spot. This marks the first time KAT has won the most spots of any school in CO. Former student Davy Armstrong signs with the Colorado Rapids. Master Matt Bailey becomes a USAT Level 2 Certified Coach.
Summer 2010: KAT again holds mountain training, 2 summer camps, and the summer festival. KAT wins 4th in the 2010 Channel 7 News A List competition.
July 2010: The demo team performs for the premiere of The Last Airbender. KAT students attend the national championships in Florida. Grace K and Moriah G win gold in sparring, Joe Garcia, Lexi B, and Chris Moore win silver in sparring, and Iman D and Joe L win Bronze in sparring. Lexi B also won Bronze in forms and Moriah G silver for a total of 9 medals. Mayor Tauer of Aurora meets the team to congratulate them. The KAT demo Team performs at our biggest venue ever, Invesco Field!
June 2010: KAT hosts the 118th Promotion Test in the park. It’s one of the best black belt tests ever. Tyler Wilson, Shannon Clousing, Moriah Garcia, Sam Williams, Bailey Williams, Connor Sullivan and Kyle Landon promote to 1st dan. Mitch Wisner promotes to 2nd Dan, and Zak Kirk promotes to 3rd Dan. The demo team performs for the premiere of The Karate Kid.
May 2010: KAT sends 45 competitors to the CO State Championship, winning nearly 100 medals overall. We take 21 gold medals in sparring, a new record for KAT. KAT wins ‘runner up’ in the Parenthood Magazine ‘Family Favorite’ competition.
April 2010: Metro State College hosts the NCTA Collegiate Nationals tournament, earning 2nd place in sparring. Metro students won 15 medals: Bruno Echegoyen-Chirinos ( Silver Male Yellow Belt Flyweight Sparring), Yimleej Vang ( Gold, Male Yellow Belt Flyweight Sparring), Matthew Hays (Bronze, Male Yellow Belt Featherweight Sparring), Jacqueline Olszewski ( Bronze Female Yellow Belt Featherweight Sparring), Harrison Archer (Bronze Male Yellow Belt Welterweight Sparring), Brandon Blair ( Silver Male Yellow Belt Welterweight Sparring), Sean Duplantier ( Silver Male Yellow Belt Heavyweight Sparring) ,Amanda Fredericks ( Silver Female Yellow Belt Heavyweight Sparring) , Kadir Jara ( Bronze Male Green/Blue Belt Featherweight Sparring), Nathan Allison ( Silver Male Red Belt Flyweight Sparring), Mirabelle Mouskos ( Silver Female Red Belt Flyweight Sparring),Ivan Smirnou ( Gold, Male Red Belt Featherweight Sparring), John Macaluso ( Bronze Male Red Belt Heavyweight Sparring), Ivan Smirnou ( Bronze,Male Red Belt Featherweight Forms), Ben Schlimm ( Bronze, Male Blue Belt Heavyweight Forms). Scott Granger earns his 1st degree black belt.
March 2010: Josh Kosloski takes the black belt test and promotes to 1st degree black belt.
February 2010: In the Tiger Kim’s tournament, Joon Lee won first and Patrick Lam won second in the black belts combined weight division. Connor B won 2nd and Sarah Mast won 3rd in sparring. Sarah also had a sweet board break to win first. In the USAT qualifier, Josh K won 2nd and Chris M won 1st in their divisions, qualifying both of them.
January 2010: CKTKD hosts the first Twin Dragons Tournament. There are 180 competitors from 15 schools. Grand Champion Swords are awarded to Steven Truesdale (Sr Color Belt), Connor Sullivan (Sr Black Belt) Joshua Kosloski (Jr Black Belt) and Grace Kosloski and Nicholas Gilbert (Jr Color Belts).
November 2009: KAT students compete in Yi’s Elite friendship competition with almost 15 students. KAT students win every forms and breaking division they enter, as well as every sparring match. Shannon Clousing and Ron Roe enter the Rocky Mountain Open and win 5 gold medals out of 5 events. KAT begins the Lady Tigers Program (mom’s class.)
October 2009: KAT Students compete in the 1st CO State Han Ma Dang and bring home many medals. Intramurals is held in Loveland for the first time. Katie H. earns 3rd degree black belt.
September 2009: KAT holds the 115th Promotion Test. Jaire Fortt tests for black belt and is the first candidate to use ‘egg sparring.’
KAT becomes a top 5 winner in the Channel 7 News “Best Martial Arts School In Denver” contest. KAT also releases Teaching Martial Arts: A Practical Guide our instructor training manual so that it can be used by other schools as well.
August 2009: KAT holds its first ever Martial Arts Festival featuring Paintfoot Sparring, Weapons, Forms, Breaking, Sword Sparring, Long Kick Contests, Trick Kick Battles, Continuous Doubles Contests, and Group Chunji with 50 + people. (Highlights). KAT starts the Quest after-school program.
KAT hosts the 2nd Survival Training (Highlights)
July 2009: KAT attends the USAT Nationals in San Antonio, TX. All sparring competitors make it to the finals, with Josh K, Jaire F, and Joe L winning gold and Grace K and Marcus R winning silver. Josh K also wins silver in sparring and breaking, and Grace K wins bronze in forms. Josh K and Jaire F end 4 of their combined 5 matches early and each are scored on only once. (Highlights Video).
The Demo Team Performs at Kidspree. (Highlights) Students climb Mt. Bierstadt (Highlights)
June 2009: KAT hosts the 114th Promotion Test and 1st Reunion. At the banquet, we give out the first ever Tenant Awards.
Student Winners Include: Courtesy (Chris W and Joe G) , Integrity (Ethan A and Shannon C) , Perseverance (Gerald B and Ron R), Self Control(Kysta C and Abbey G), Indomitable Spirit. (Josh K and Marcus R).
Instructor Winners Include: Courtesy (Edwin M), Integrity (Jacob G) , Perseverance (Katie H), Self Control (Master Matt B), Indomitable Spirit.(Master Kamil L)
May 2009: Master Kamil holds the grand opening for Loveland Taekwondo. This program also results in the addition of Master Willie Saunders to the KAT Family.
April 2009: KAT once again hosts the White Tiger Martial Arts Championship. This time KAT programs bring 130 students, and the tournament is once again the biggest and most competitive tournamnent in Colorado in the year. Josh K, Jaire F, and RJ Tomas all win swords in the Grand Champion Competition. KAT Medals total nearly 200, and competition team members win every division they enter. Highlights Video (Part 1) , (Part 2)
March 2009: KAT holds the 113th promotion test and 29th anniversary celebration. Kamil Latipov is promoted to 4th Degree Master and Edwin Montero is promoted to 2nd Degree Black Belt.
KAT attends the Colorado State Championship, where Beth Lopez and Master Kamil earn spots on the state team. KAT students win many state championship titles.
February 2009: Edwin Montero and Kamil Latipov attend the US Open in Las Vegas to face competitors from all over the world. Yet, Kamil’s first match is against KAT black belt and current Texas resident Sean Keeton. Kamil wins his first two matches. Edwin defeats Australia in overtime but is too injured to continue.
KAT students also attend the AAU state championship where we win all color belt matches against other schools. Josh K wins gold, Marus R wins gold in his division, while Tadan R wins silver in the same division. Chris H easily gaps his opponent in the first round to take gold. Ivan S and LaRon Y both take silver in their black belt divisions.
TOKO the KAT Mascot, makes his debut as the Demo Team performs at the Denver Nuggets vs Oklahoma City Thunder game.
December 2008: KAT students attend the Rocky Mountain Open at the Olympic Training Center. Marcus R, Josh K, and Autumn W all win gold in sparring and forms. Master Kelley S nearly wins the absolute combined black belt divisions in forms and sparring.
We undertake large rennovations in the dojang, including painting the walls blue and silver, adding mirrors, and redoing the countertops. Joel Dallin and Crystal and Joe Garcia provide excellent help.
November 2008: KAT hosts the first Intramurals competition. Auraria Campus Taekwondo students face AFA cadets at the Air Force Academy Scrimmage, and KAT launches the Wiki Drills site to aid martial arts instructors worldwide. We host the 112th Promotion Test, where Talal, Hannah, and Abdella Aoga earn their 1st degree black belts. Ron Roe and RJ Tomas both earn their third degree black belts.
October 2008: KAT parents revive the TKD Sports Association, a 501c3 non-profit foundation, and holds a fall festival and garage sale.
Summer 2008: KAT hosts 2 summer camps, another mountain training, the first back to school party, and the first mountain survival training.
May 2008: Adam Edwards, Kevin Lee, and Dr. Rafael Moreno all test for 1st degree black belt at Metro.
April 2008: KAT hosts the White Tiger Martial Arts Championships at Metro. 230 competitors from 23 programs participate. KAT programs bring a total of 99 competitors.
March 2008: KAT brings 30 students to the Colorado State Taekwondo Championship and earns 50 total medals. Kamil Latipov wins 3 difficult matches in overtime to win a spot on the CO state team.
Feburary 2008: KAT hosts the 109th Promotion Test and 28th Anniversary of the school. Edwin Montero enters the US Open and wins Gold and in Forms and Sparring in 33-40 division and defeats the Brazilian national team member in 18-32 Sparring in his first black belt tournament.
The South School merges with Championship Karate to form CKTKD, Inc and over 100 students move into our facility.
Janurary 2008 : KAT performs a demonstration at the Denver Nuggets Game. The demo becomes an episode of KAT TV. Master Emelio starts up the KAT Baghdad, Iraq program.
December 2008: KAT grapplers travel to Fuseboxe to enter a mini-Tournament. Ashley H places 3rd in the boys division and Tyler Wilson and Tom place 2nd and 4th respectively in the men’s 150+ division.
November 2007 – KAT acquires the former Garrett Taekwondo and opens its new south branch location. We install a new ‘floating floor’ and Masters Bob and Jason McKenna join our team. We also host the 108th Promotion Test where Josh, Beth, and Matt Lopez test for 3rd Dan.
October 2007 – KAT Records 137,000 kicks in the World Record Kickathon. At the Castle Rock Tournament, students have a great showing in all events. Beth Lopez dominates her division and wins by knockout in the finals. Total record is:
Sparring (18 people) 6 gold, 8 silver, 4 bronze
Breaking (4 people) 3 gold, 1 bronze
Forms (12 people) 3 gold, 4 silver, 3 bronze
September 2007 – KAT begins programs in Global Village Academy and St. Therese Elementary School.
August 2007– KAT holds the 107th Promotion Test. KAT TV becomes the official podcast of KAT.
July 2007 – KAT hosts the 2nd Summer Camp.
Summer 2007– KAT hosts 2 mountain trainings, one at the Air Force Academy Falcon Trail, and one on Grays Peak!
June 2007 – KAT hosts the 106th Promotion test in the park. Katie H, Miranda W, and Sarah G all test for their 2nd Degree Black Belts.
May 2007 – KAT attends the ESA Attitude for Gold Tournament and the AAU Regional Qualifiers in Loveland. Students have great results at both tournaments.
April 2007– KAT sends competitors to the Colorado State Championships. Tony Nguyen and Amy Percosky earn spots on the CO State Team.
March 2007 – At the end of the month, Master Bill attends the National Collegiates. Metro loses the bid to host Collegiate Nationals by 1 vote to Stanford.
February, 2007 – KAT hosts its 27th Birthday Celebration and 105th Promotion Test. Myell White earns his 1st degree black belt. The href=” rel=”> href=” rel=”> href=” rel=”> href=” rel=”> href=” rel=”> href=” rel=”> href=””<a href=” rel=”nofollow”> becomes available.
January 2007 – KAT performs a demonstration at the Denver Nuggets game. Over 100 students and parents attend the game, many of the dressing up in KAT Gear. Master Emelio Tio moves to Texas and starts the independant KAT Texas Branch.
December 2006 – Liz Brewer and Zak Kirk earn their 2nd degree black belts at metro in a difficult test that had to be continued later due to injury.
November 2006 – KAT holds the 104th Promotion Test. Nicholas Reutter earns his 1st degree black belt.
October 2006 – KAT raises nearly $2500 for Autism research, performs a demo and completes the Colorado Autism Walk.
October 2006 – KAT does over 106,000 kicks in the Project Action kickathon. This is the 6th highest total nationwide, out of several hundred schools.
September 2006 – KAT Competes in the Tiger Kim’s Academy Tournament. Nick Barta wins a fantastic match against a competitor who outweighs him by well over 100 pounds. Master Matt Bailey competes for the US in the World Military Championships.
September 2006 – KAT Competes in its first ever grappling tournament and nearly wins first place, losing by only one bronze medal, 24 to 23.
August 2006 – KAT holds the 103rd promotion test. 25 students increase in rank and Geri Crawley earns a rare double promotion.
August 2006 – KAT hosts the 1st Summer Camp. 17 students and four counselors participate in a very memorable week.
August 2006 – KAT acquires dozens of great students when the United Academy of Taekwondo closes. They immediately make a positive impact.
July 2006- AAU National Championships- Malia Tio wins bronze medals in Olympic Sparring, Point Sparring, and Forms. Vincent Tio wins bronze in forms, and Emelio Tio wins bronze in forms and gold in point sparring.
June 2006- 102nd Promotion Test- KAT holds the 102nd test in Rocky Ridge park with a potluck to follow.
May 2006- KAT members go to Loveland to compete in the Region 10 AAU tournament. We bring home several medals in forms, olympic sparring, and point sparring. Master Emelio Tio wins grand champion honors. Master Bill earns his 5th degree black belt!
March 2006- Evan D comes back from Cornell and Sean Keeton returns from Texas A&M to compete in the US National Collegiate Team Trials. Evan earns a silver medal in the welterweight division and Sean earns a bronze in finweight.
March 2006– KAT competes in the Colorado State Championships. Chris Gutierrez (Heavy), Javier Gutierrez (Middle) and Lina Munoz (Welter) all earn spots on the CO State Team. Chris F, Katie H, and Paola S all earn silver medals in their black belt divisions. Edwin M and Juan S meet in the finals of the men’s blue belt division. Over 20 KAT students compete and earn medals.
March 2006– 101st Promotion test. RJ Tomas, Malia Tio, and Vincent Tio all test for their 2nd degree black belt. Emelio Tio breaks three bricks and earns his 4th degree black belt.
February 2006– KAT celebrates its 26th anniversary.
December, 2005- 100th Promotion Test – Katie H and Will L give a great performance to earn their 1st degree black belts. The test is one of the largest in recent years and is featured in the paper.
November, 2005– ACT scrimmages against CU Boulder and wins by a score of 580 to 320 in league competition.
November, 2005– KAT attends the Yi’s Elite TKD Championships. Paola S, Malia T, Edwin M, Katie H, and Chris G all earn gold medals in sparring. Katie H wins by sparring off against Master Andre’s wife and Chris G wins the black belt combined heavyweight division.
October, 2005– 99th Promotion test. Jon Baker earns his black belt. Free grappling is now fully integrated into the exam. Liz B and Zak K test at metro to earn their 1st degree black belts.
July, 2005– Balance Boba, LLC, KAT’s own bubble tea shop, opens up inside of the newly rennovated parents’ area.
July, 2005– KAT Hosts the first annual mountain training.
July, 2005- Maila Tio wins the AAU national championships in sparring for the Jr. Black Belt Division.
KAT attends the USAT Junior Nationals in Austin, Tx. Ethan T wins bronze in black belt forms.
May, 2005– Ron Roe, 58 years old and legally blind, gives a thorough and inspiring performance in ACT’s first black belt test. His performance earns him articles in the Rocky Mountain News and @Metro papers.
April, 2005.- KAT resumes hosting its annual tournament, the Colorado Elite Taekwondo Championships. KAT and ACT combine to send 75 competitors and easily take home the first place trophy for team and collegiate competition. Katie H., Malia T. and Emelio T. win Grand Champions.
March, 2005 – KAT attends the Colorado State Taekwondo Championships. KAT students win medals in every event they compete in for a total of 34 medals. Junior athletes Peter and Theresa Nguyen for make it on the Senior Colorado State Team!
KAT also becomes the featured club of USA Taekwondo.
February, 2005– KAT Celebrates its 25th Anniversary! Click for story and video.
November, 2004.Metro students win four medals at the National ChampionshipsMetro Article
School History Overview
The Korean Academy of Taekwondo was founded in February of 1980 by Grandmaster Jae Kyu Chung. Grandmaster Chung trained in Korea and was a member of the Korean Green Berets and won many national and international titles. After leaving Korea, he taught for eight years in Brazil and then came to Colorado. He built up the Aurora school on Alameda St, and then later at 380 S. Potomac St, near Gymnastics Institute. He also taught at the third building located at 13700 E. Alameda, near Aurora Mall. During this time he was the coach of the US National Taekwondo team.
Master Chung also built up two sister schools, the Littleton and Arvada branches of the Korean Academy. In the mid nineties, he transferred control over the Aurora school to his student, Master Ghassan Timani. Master Ghassan also had help teaching class from Master Andre Olivera, one of Master Chung’s students from Brazil. Eventually, Master Andre left to form his own school.
Master Ghassan continued to exercise control over the Korean Academy, and Master Chung sold all three of the schools, and he returned to Korea to pursue a career in politics, including serving as the head of security for Kim De Jung, the former president of South Korea. Master Ghassan is the highest student of Grandmaster Chung in the world.
In the fall of 1998, the third building was torn down to make way for a freeway off ramp and so the school moved again, this time to 16800 E Mississippi.
The school remained in that location for six years until Master Ghassan built a new school across the street. The new building has the significant advantage that it is not part of a complex as other schools are— it is a free standing structure designed from the ground up to provide an intelligent layout, modern safety equipment, and the latest digital media technology.
2004 saw the return of Master Bill Pottle, one of the Korean Academy’s highest ranking students. After getting his black belt from the Korean Academy, Master Bill trained at Cornell University and the University of Pennsylvania where he was pursuing academic and professional interests.
Master Bill also took over the Metro State Taekwondo program, which was founded in the spring of 1966 by Master Larry McGill. The Metro State program is the oldest collegiate Taekwondo program in the United States.
In 2006 the school welcomed many students from the former United Academy of Taekwondo. With the closing of United Academy, KAT also became the oldest Taekwondo school in Aurora.
In 2007 the school took over the former Garrett/Strantz Taekwondo in Littleton, CO, and installed a state of the art ‘floating floor’ in the facility. KAT expanded again in 2009, taking over the former ML Parr Academy of Taekwondo in Loveland.
The school has also had branches in Baghdad, Iraq (in one of Hussein’s former palaces) and Joshua, Texas, through the work of Master Emelio Tio.
Over the years thousands of students have trained with the Korean Academy. We have had many state, national, and international champions. In all of these years, we have had an excellent safety record.
First Taekwondo School
Second Taekwondo School
Here’s what is left of the third taekwondo school after we all went crazy and started kicking down the walls… okay, so it was really knocked down for a freeway off ramp.
Meditation in the 4th School
Newsletter Archive
We maintain an archive of the previous newsletters so you can see some of the amazing things our students have been up to.
Previous Newsletter Archives (Updated Yearly, recent issues pending)
2013: Feb, March, August, November
2012 January, Feb, March, April, May , July, September, November
2010 January, March, May, June , July,August , September, November, December
January, February, March, May, June, July,August, September, October, November
February, April, June, July, September, November
2007January, April, May, June, August, September, October, November, December
May, June, July, September, October,
March, July , May, September, November
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